Monoidal instances for pipes
In this post, I’m going to introduce a new class of combinators for pipes, with an interesting categorical interpretation. I will be using the pipe implementation of my previous post.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} module Blog.Pipes.MonoidalInstances where import Blog.Pipes.Guarded hiding (groupBy) import qualified Control.Arrow as A import Control.Category import Control.Categorical.Bifunctor import Control.Category.Associative import Control.Category.Braided import Control.Category.Monoidal import Control.Monad (forever) import Control.Monad.Free import Data.Maybe import Data.Void import Prelude hiding ((.), id, filter, until)
When pipes were first released, some people noticed the lack of an Arrow
instance. In fact, it is not hard to show that, even identifying pipes modulo some sort of observational equality, there is no Arrow
instance that satisfies the arrow laws.
The problem, of course, is with first
, because we already have a simple implementation of arr
. If we try to implement first
we immediately discover that there’s a problem with the Yield
first (Yield x c) = yield (x, ???) >> first c
Since ??? can be of any type, the only possible value is bottom, which of course we don’t want to introduce. Alternative definitions of first
that alter the structure of a yielding pipe are not possible if we want to satisfy the law:
first p >+> pipe fst == pipe fst >+> p
Concretely, the problem is that the cartesian product in the type of first
forces a sort of “synchronization point” that doesn’t necessarily exist. This is better understood if we look at the type of (***)
, of which first
can be thought of as a special case:
(***) :: Arrow k => k a b -> k a' b' -> k (a, a') (b, b') first = (*** id)
If the two input pipes yield at different times, there is no way to faithfully match their yielded values into a pair. There are hacks around that, but they don’t behave well compositionally, and exhibit either arbitrarily large space leaks or data loss.
This has been addressed before: stream processors, like those of the Fudgets library, being very similar to Pipes, have the same problem, and some resolutions have been proposed, although not entirely satisfactory.
Arrows as monoidal categories
It is well known within the Haskell community that Arrows correspond to so called Freyd categories, i.e. premonoidal categories with some extra structures.
Using the Monoidal
class by Edward Kmett (now in the categories
package on Hackage), we can try to make this idea precise.
Unfortunately, we have to use a newtype to avoid overlapping instances in the case of the Hask category:
newtype ACat a b c = ACat { unACat :: a b c } deriving (Category, A.Arrow)
First, cartesian products are a bifunctor in the category determined by an Arrow.
instance A.Arrow a => PFunctor (,) (ACat a) (ACat a) where first = ACat . A.first . unACat instance A.Arrow a => QFunctor (,) (ACat a) (ACat a) where second = ACat . A.second . unACat instance A.Arrow a => Bifunctor (,) (ACat a) (ACat a) (ACat a) where bimap (ACat f) (ACat g) = ACat $ f A.*** g
Now we can say that products are associative, using the associativity of products in Hask:
instance A.Arrow a => Associative (ACat a) (,) where associate = ACat $ A.arr associate instance A.Arrow a => Disassociative (ACat a) (,) where disassociate = ACat $ A.arr disassociate
Where we use the Disassociative
instance to express the inverse of the associator. And finally, the Monoidal instance:
type instance Id (ACat a) (,) = () instance A.Arrow a => Monoidal (ACat a) (,) where idl = ACat $ A.arr idl idr = ACat $ A.arr idr instance A.Arrow a => Comonoidal (ACat a) (,) where coidl = ACat $ A.arr coidl coidr = ACat $ A.arr coidr
Where, again, the duals are actually inverses. Also, products are symmetric:
instance A.Arrow a => Braided (ACat a) (,) where braid = ACat $ A.arr braid instance A.Arrow a => Symmetric (ACat a) (,)
As you see, everything is trivially induced by the cartesian structure on Hask, since A.arr
gives us an identity-on-objects functor. Note, however, that the Bifunctor
instance is legitimate only if we assume a strong commutativity law for arrows:
first f >>> second g == second g >>> first f
which we will, for the sake of simplicity.
Replacing products with arbitrary monoidal structures
Once we express the Arrow concept in terms of monoidal categories, it is easy to generalize it to arbitrary monoidal structures on Hask.
In particular, coproducts work particularly well in the category of pipes:
instance Monad m => PFunctor Either (PipeC m r) (PipeC m r) where first = PipeC . firstP . unPipeC firstP :: Monad m => Pipe a b m r -> Pipe (Either a c) (Either b c) m r firstP (Pure r) = return r firstP (Free (M m)) = lift m >>= firstP
Yielding a sum is now easy: just yield on the left component.
firstP (Free (Yield x c)) = yield (Left x) >> firstP c
Awaiting is a little bit more involved, but still easy enough: receive left and null values normally, and act like an identity on the right.
firstP (Free (Await k)) = go where go = tryAwait >>= maybe (firstP $ k Nothing) (either (firstP . k . Just) (\x -> yield (Right x) >> go))
And of course we have an analogous instance on the right:
instance Monad m => QFunctor Either (PipeC m r) (PipeC m r) where second = PipeC . secondP . unPipeC secondP :: Monad m => Pipe a b m r -> Pipe (Either c a) (Either c b) m r secondP (Pure r) = return r secondP (Free (M m)) = lift m >>= secondP secondP (Free (Yield x c)) = yield (Right x) >> secondP c secondP (Free (Await k)) = go where go = tryAwait >>= maybe (secondP $ k Nothing) (either (\x -> yield (Left x) >> go) (secondP . k . Just))
And a bifunctor instance obtained by composing first
and second
in arbitrary order:
instance Monad m => Bifunctor Either (PipeC m r) (PipeC m r) (PipeC m r) where bimap f g = first f >>> second g
At this point we can go ahead and define the remaining instances in terms of the identity-on-objects functor given by pipe
instance Monad m => Associative (PipeC m r) Either where associate = PipeC $ pipe associate instance Monad m => Disassociative (PipeC m r) Either where disassociate = PipeC $ pipe disassociate type instance Id (PipeC m r) Either = Void instance Monad m => Monoidal (PipeC m r) Either where idl = PipeC $ pipe idl idr = PipeC $ pipe idr instance Monad m => Comonoidal (PipeC m r) Either where coidl = PipeC $ pipe coidl coidr = PipeC $ pipe coidr instance Monad m => Braided (PipeC m r) Either where braid = PipeC $ pipe braid instance Monad m => Symmetric (PipeC m r) Either
Multiplicative structures
There is still a little bit of extra structure that we might want to exploit. Since PipeC m r
is a monoidal category, it induces a (pointwise) monoidal structure on its endofunctor category, so we can speak of monoid objects there. In particular, if the identity functor is a monoid, it means that we can define a “uniform” monoid structure for all the objects of our category, given in terms of natural transformations (i.e. polymorphic functions).
We can represent this specialized monoid structure with a type class (using kind polymorphism and appropriately generalized category-related type classes, it should be possible to unify this class with Monoid
and even Monad
, similarly to how it’s done here):
class Monoidal k p => Multiplicative k p where unit :: k (Id k p) a mult :: k (p a a) a
Dually, we can have a sort of uniform coalgebra:
class Comonoidal k p => Comultiplicative k p where counit :: k a (Id k p) comult :: k a (p a a)
The laws for those type classes are just the usual laws for a monoid in a (not necessarily strict) monoidal category:
first unit . mult == idl second unit . mult == idr mult . first mult == mult . second mult . associate first counit . comult == coidl second counit . comult == coidr first diag . diag == disassociate . second diag . diag
Now, products have a comultiplicative structure on Hask (as in every category with finite products), given by the terminal object and diagonal natural transformation:
instance Comultiplicative (->) (,) where counit = const () comult x = (x, x)
while coproducts have a multiplicative structure:
instance Multiplicative (->) Either where unit = absurd mult = either id id
that we can readily transport to PipeC m r
using pipe
instance Monad m => Multiplicative (PipeC m r) Either where unit = PipeC $ pipe absurd mult = PipeC $ pipe mult
Somewhat surprisingly, pipes also have a comultiplicative structure of their own:
instance Monad m => Comultiplicative (PipeC m r) Either where counit = PipeC discard comult = PipeC . forever $ do x <- await yield (Left x) yield (Right x)
Heterogeneous metaprogramming
All the combinators we defined can actually be used in practice, and the division in type classes certainly sheds some light on their structure and properties, but there’s actually something deeper going on here.
The fact that the standard Arrow
class uses (,)
as monoidal structure is not coincidental: Hask is a cartesian closed category, so to embed Haskell’s simply typed λ-calculus into some other category structure, we need at the very least a way to transport cartesian products, i.e. a premonoidal functor.
However, as long as our monoidal structure is comultiplicative and symmetric, we can always recover a first-order fragment of \(\lambda\)-calculus inside the “guest” category, and we don’t even need an identity-on-objects functor (see for example this paper).
The idea is that we can use the monoidal structure of the guest category to represent contexts, where weakening is given by counit
, contraction by comult
, and exchange by swap
There is an experimental GHC branch with a preprocessor which is able to translate expressions written in an arbitrary guest language into Haskell, given instances of appropriate type classes , which correspond exactly to the ones we have defined above.
This exposition was pretty abstract, so we end with some examples.
We first need to define a few wrappers for our monoidal combinators, so we don’t have to deal with the PipeC
split :: Monad m => Pipe a (Either a a) m r split = unPipeC comult join :: Monad m => Pipe (Either a a) a m r join = unPipeC mult (*+*) :: Monad m => Pipe a b m r -> Pipe a' b' m r -> Pipe (Either a a') (Either b b') m r f *+* g = unPipeC $ bimap (PipeC f) (PipeC g) discardL :: Monad m => Pipe (Either Void a) a m r discardL = unPipeC idl discardR :: Monad m => Pipe (Either a Void) a m r discardR = unPipeC idr
Now let’s write a tee
combinator, similar to the tee command for shell pipes:
tee :: Monad m => Pipe a Void m r -> Pipe a a m r tee p = split >+> firstP p >+> discardL printer :: Show a => Pipe a Void IO r printer = forever $ await >>= lift . print ex6 :: IO () ex6 = do (sourceList [1..5] >+> tee printer >+> (fold (+) 0 >>= yield) $$ printer) return () {- ex6 == mapM_ print [1,2,3,4,5,15] -}
Another interesting exercise is reimplementing the groupBy
combinator of the previous post:
groupBy :: Monad m => (a -> a -> Bool) -> Pipe a [a] m r groupBy p = -- split the stream in two split >+> -- yield Nothing whenever (not (p x y)) -- for consecutive x y ((consec >+> filter (not . uncurry p) >+> pipe (const Nothing)) *+* -- at the same time, let everything pass through pipe Just) >+> -- now rejoin the two streams join >+> -- then accumulate results until a Nothing is hit forever (until isNothing >+> pipe fromJust >+> (consume >>= yield)) -- yield consecutive pairs of values consec :: Monad m => Pipe a (a, a) m r consec = await >>= go where go x = await >>= \y -> yield (x, y) >> go y ex7 :: IO () ex7 = do (sourceList [1,1,2,2,2,3,4,4] >+> groupBy (==) >+> pipe head $$ printer) return () {- ex7 == mapM_ print [1,2,3,4] -}